''Feline Frame-Up'' is an animated short film in the Looney Tunes series produced by Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc and released on February 13, 1954. It features Claude Cat and Marc Antony in a battle of brawn vs. brains, with the little black kitten Pussyfoot caught in the middle. This is the third cartoon with Marc Anthony and Pussyfoot (''Feed the Kitty'' () and ''Kiss Me Cat'' () being the previous shorts). ==Synopsis== Pussyfoot is napping on a plush pillow when Claude kicks her off to claim the pillow for himself. Marc Anthony attacks Claude in retaliation, returns Pussyfoot to her pillow and begins to clobber Claude. Marc Antony is almost immediately caned on the head by Filbert, the animals' stodgy master; having only seen Marc Antony pummelling Claude, Filbert gives Marc Antony a final warning to leave the cats alone. After this, the conniving Claude schemes to convince Filbert that Marc Anthony wants to harm the cats; while Marc Antony is sleeping, he places Pussyfoot in his mouth and yowls to Filbert that Marc Antony is trying to eat Pussyfoot. Claude's scheme is successful, Filbert is then tricked, and Marc Antony is thrown out of the house. Claude indulges in his new life without Marc Antony, taunting the dog by openly abusing Pussyfoot in front of him, dropping Pussyfoot in a vase, or mocking Marc Antony. Though he remains exiled outside, Marc Antony manages to find ways to beat up on Claude, either from behind closed doors or by getting by into the house in crafty manners. While most of Marc Antony's mechanations to invade the house are short-lived and he is rapidly and violently ejected from the house by Filbert, it gives Marc Antony enough time to clobber Claude again before he gets booted. The multiple thumpings Claude endures over the course of the night prove to be too much to take, eventually eliciting the cat's surrender. Marc Antony forces Claude to confess to his crimes and is let back into the house and back to the side of his beloved Pussyfoot. After retrieving Pussyfoot from the vase and placing her back in her bed, a dazed Claude gives Filbert his signed confession. Filbert consequently kicks Claude out of the house, and Claude is promptly run over by a streetcar. Claude bemoans "it's just one of those days" before passing out. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Feline Frame-Up」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク